About Us

AkadRe is a specialized education company that supports international medical professionals on their path to licensure or professional authorization in Germany. With our integrated offer of individual counselling, professional German language courses and qualifying training, we accompany international doctors, dentists, pharmacists and nursing staff. We support them from their arrival in Germany through successful professional recognition to their first job in their respective field. We offer solutions for private individuals as well as for institutions such as hospitals, practices, pharmacies, care facilities or public authorities. In addition, we put participants in contact with institutions in order to fill vacancies or find practice successors. Our aim is to counteract the shortage of skilled workers in the health sector and at the same time to enable motivated professionals to integrate successfully in Germany.

As an owner-managed family business, we have been involved in the areas of education, language and integration for over 15 years. In addition to AkadRe GmbH, we also run the MASK Zentrum as a language school and certified telc® examination center. We attach great importance to building long-term relationships with our clients. We promote the trust necessary for this with individual support and first-class service quality. Our corporate culture is characterized by flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths, so that our employees can carry out their diverse tasks with a high degree of personal responsibility.

What is important to us:

- Our goal is to sustainably strengthen the health care system in Germany and at the same time enable motivated professionals to successfully integrate in Germany. In this respect, we make a special effort to make our participants (technically) linguistically competent so that they can represent a real added value in their everyday work and integrate optimally into their team.

- Our language instructors are certified expertsin German for the healthcare sector, each with specializations in the fields of human medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or nursing. Our courses therefore not only teach general German, but specifically medical terminology. The aim is smooth oral and written communication with colleagues, patients and relatives.

- The teaching is supplemented by specialist lecturers from the field, who often work in a managerial capacity and make their teaching correspondingly demanding. Here, clinical everyday life is rehearsed in group work and simulations. In addition, the participants gain valuable insights beyond the language lessons (e.g. health care system, health insurance system).

- Thanks to our many years of experience and a curriculum tailored to practical needs, we competently bring our participants up to the required language level with which they can obtain professional recognition in Germany (e.g. specialist language examination for doctors of medicine) and take off as a fully-fledged team member at work.

- We reliably bring our course participants up to a high C1 language level (academic health professions) or B2 language level (health professions). The respective language level is certified by language examinations from external providers to confirm that the language competence has actually been acquired and can be applied (e.g. specialist language examination of the state departments or telc examinations according to the Common European Framework of Reference).

- Our courses are financially supported by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the Federal Employment Agency (BA), the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI). This enables us to realize adequate course durations of 6 months full-time per level. In this way, we can be sure that our course participants actually reach the required language level. We do not consider hasty general language intensive courses lasting only a few weeks to be effective in this demanding area.

- Most of ourcourse participants have already practiced in their home countries and thus bring with them a level of experience that should not be underestimated. They also provide new perspectives and methods to complement established procedures, which many colleagues have already come to appreciate.

Are you interested or do you have any questions? We look forward to hearing from you! Feel free to contact us here.

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